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Stephanie Daich
Oct 16, 20231 min read
Seize the day, when you put someone else first. Altruism. The top of Maslow’s pyramid. Altruism. Seize the day, when you give of yourself...

Stephanie Daich
Oct 15, 20231 min read
As he crossed the Isthmus, the idea did form. -A way to avoid the coastal storm. How would this land Balboa transform? A passageway could...

Stephanie Daich
Oct 14, 20231 min read
Presented: a floating cube. The work of great craftsmanship. Exquisite to behold. One can easily appraise by a visual over. But they...

Stephanie Daich
Oct 11, 20231 min read
50 LITERS A DAY -Poetry
Cape Town, South Africa, is in a drought. Every drop of water they must measure out. People only get fifty liters a day. Of water, they...

Stephanie Daich
Oct 10, 20231 min read
Dots and dashes Mores Code Early radio communication Mores Code The opening of the information age Mores Code Proficient way to...

Stephanie Daich
Oct 7, 20231 min read
Remember in childhood. How free, we didn’t realize. We longed to reach adulthood. Unaware of its surprise. Adulthood is drudgery. To-do...

Stephanie Daich
Oct 5, 20231 min read
Today, we call it the Black Death. Medieval times called it Blue Sickness. An epidemic spread by living breath, But mostly flea vectors...

Stephanie Daich
Sep 29, 20231 min read
TAKEN- Poetry
Once a field of green, lush and wonderful; Now, a stretch of asphalt. Once trees climbed to the lowest cloud; Now, a chain-link fence....

Stephanie Daich
Sep 26, 20231 min read
Breaking her promise Looking for something elsewhere Never settled Chasing lies She finally finds peace on her knees....

Stephanie Daich
Sep 15, 20231 min read
TURNING TO STONE -Poetry by guest author Lynn White
A lesser man would have been turned to stone by such a look, such a dirty look, disparaging dismissive, certainly worthy of a Gorgon, but...

Stephanie Daich
Sep 13, 20232 min read
THE SOOTHING MESS -Poetry by guest author Dr. Kanwalpreet
The soothing mess I inherited a garden, Which was a fine mess, Years of neglect, Had created a confused niche, For weeds, wild grass, And...

Stephanie Daich
Sep 12, 20231 min read
ALWAYS -Poetry
Always offer kindness, Always share your soul, Always open your heart, And always aim for a goal. Work on self-improvement, Work on home...

Stephanie Daich
Sep 9, 20231 min read
HOPE -Poetry
I. The hope buried below the surface Who Offers to those with nothing left a Glimmer Of something better. I. The light in the dark Who...

Stephanie Daich
Sep 8, 20231 min read
Prosperity abounds in us, Even found among the poor. Our generation has much more, Then our ancestors before. Our heaters burn night and...

Stephanie Daich
Sep 7, 20231 min read
COMING- poetry by Januário Esteves
Screaming cacophonies pervade the night On the corners of the streets the painful flow Of moral conveniences trafficking ballot boxes In...

Stephanie Daich
Sep 5, 20231 min read
She can't figure this world out. What the hell is life about? When she gives, her intentions are questioned. Some turn it away, which...

Stephanie Daich
Sep 3, 20231 min read
While on the beach, the tourist played, or in the surf, they swim and wade. Leaving all their troubles home, they release their stress at...

Stephanie Daich
Sep 2, 20231 min read
Dear Mental Illness, There is no one out there that I am closer to. You have attached yourself to me. -tightly You never leave....

Stephanie Daich
Aug 31, 20231 min read
HOWLING WOLF -Poetry by guest author Lynn White
The howl of the wolf knows no curfew for as long as the moonlight shines it’s a haunting hungry frenzy of unearthly longing for...

Stephanie Daich
Aug 30, 20231 min read
Women put their selves on show, A little jiggle from their front.They sway their hips, strut their legs, And flash a golden smile. Faces...
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