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THE SOOTHING MESS -Poetry by guest author Dr. Kanwalpreet

Updated: Apr 8

The soothing mess

I inherited a garden,

Which was a fine mess,

Years of neglect,

Had created a confused niche,

For weeds, wild grass,

And flowers that at random grew,

I fumed and fretted,

I needed a loose end,

To initiate the unwinding,

To start the process,

Of harnessing Nature,

For is it not what humans do?

To make sense out of Nature?

To substitute a wild trail,

With manicured paths,

And replace stones,

With their coloured counterparts,

That are garish and out of place,

By felling majestic trees,

That are natural,

To grow trees that are prim and proper,

Which are alien,

And also a curse,

To the surroundings,

Gradually, I grew to love,

The chaotic mess,

The plants grew in perfect harmony,

The garden thrived as a riot of colours,

A spectrum of every colour,

As I gazed at nooks and corners,

I realised the beauty of the natural collage,

That Nature had pasted,

When it got the chance,

In my ‘unkept’ garden,

Suddenly, my carefully planted pots,

Seemed strangers,

In the timeless, imperfect patch,

Which had become a natural green abode,

I decided to let the mess stay,

For it calmed my restive soul.


The Soothing Mess

by Dr. Kanwalpreet

BIO-Dr. Kanwalpreet teaches Political Science in a College in India. Her poems have been accepted in Sycopation, Yorick Radio, University of Wisconsin, Double Speak, Mocking Owl Roost, Open Skies, among others.

Her books are:

  • Looking Back with a Twinkle, A Biography of Oshima Zarenghez Samundri Rekhi

  • Rings of Life, a Collection of 13 Short Stories

  • A Magic Combo- 31 Poems and 13 Short Stories for Children.

  • Path Makers and Protectors.

  • Elections and Election Commissions Across the World.

Follow Kanwalpreet Baidwan at:

WhatsApp number- 9356301497

Facebook- Kanwal Preet

Instagram Id- kanwal_preet2

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