Jamie woke up in his bed. He wiped his eyes and stretched his arms, letting out a big yawn. Jamie would often attempt to remember his dreams upon waking. He could recall bits and pieces, but stringing together a complete narrative was impossible, almost as if there was a part of his brain that he wasn't allowed to access.
Jamie was ordinary. He lived in an ordinary house on 1624 Ashbury Lane. He worked an ordinary job as a clerk at the local stop and shop. He picked his little sister up from school every day at 3:30 PM. Jamie was happy. His younger sister, Alice, was his pride and joy.
Alice was 14 years old. Jamie would call her Pippi Longstocking because she and the children's book character shared the same bright red hair. Alice was too young to understand the reference, but she didn't care. Alice thought the name sounded cool. Alice slept like a bear. Jamie joked that she'd sleep through an explosion. Because of this, Jamie's morning routine involved coaxing Alice out of bed so she wouldn't miss the bus.
Today started like any other day. Jamie woke up in his bed. He wiped his eyes and stretched his arms, letting out a big yawn. He walked down the hall to Alice's room.
*knock knock*
There was no answer. This was a regular occurrence. Jamie begrudgingly opened the door and went inside to shake Alice awake.
Jamie: Wake up, lazy bones!!!! Time for school!!!
After the third jostle, Alice awoke with a loud yawn. She wiped her eyes and looked up at her brother.
Alice: Good morning! Jamie, what's up?!? You ok?!?
Alice was shocked to see tears running down his face.
Jamie: Y-yeah. I'm good. I guess I'm just happy to see you. I miss you so much, Alice.
Alice: Miss me? I'm right here, ya big goof!!!
Jamie: Right, right. Haha, anyways, go get ready for school, Pippi. I'll meet you at the breakfast table!
Jamie prepared the table the same way he always had: two bowls, two spoons, 2% milk, and a big box of sugary crunch cereal. Today was supposed to be an ordinary day, but something was off. On this day, Jamie started to remember his dream.
Jamie: T-there was a car. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. T-the car came out of nowhere. It was a mistake. H-her seat belt! I should have checked her seat belt!
Alice entered the kitchen and locked eyes with Jamie. Jamie turned pale as if he had seen a ghost. He clung to Alice, screaming and begging for forgiveness from the top of his lungs.
Scientist 1: His Heart rate is at an alarming level!!! If we don't intervene soon, we are going to lose him!!!
Scientist 2: There's nothing we can do. Once the Identit-E simulator is attached to an inmate, it forms a symbiotic relationship with the hippocampus. Removing it while under this level of stress will kill the inmate. I would rather risk him dying from a heart attack.
Scientist 1: I wonder what has him so riled up? Identit-E was built to give manslaughter inmates a simulation of their ideal lives, a sort of paradise while they served out their sentencing.
Scientist 2: Damn! He's flatlining! Alright, call it and alert the warden.
Scientist 1: Inmate Number 1624, Jamie Gonzales. Time of Death, 3:30 PM.

By: Chad Singleton
Bio: Chad Singleton is a Public Health Scientist, published Children’s Book Author, and Horror Writer. His interests include voice-over, music, and podcasting. He is currently working towards his Doctorate in Public Health at Walden University.
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