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Stephanie Daich
Feb 3, 20244 min read
“Ladies, gentlemen, sit, sit. I have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you don’t want to miss out on.” Cecil posed elegantly, swinging her...

Stephanie Daich
Jan 20, 20243 min read
I promised myself I would do it on January 3rd, 2023. Today is that day. Should I be true to a promise I made twenty-three years ago? The...

Stephanie Daich
Jan 11, 20243 min read
IDENTIT-E - Flash Fiction Sci-Fi by guest author Chad Singleton
Jamie woke up in his bed. He wiped his eyes and stretched his arms, letting out a big yawn. Jamie would often attempt to remember his...

Stephanie Daich
Jan 6, 20244 min read
FILLING MY FATHER'S SHOES -Flash Fiction by guest author Dawn DeBraal
When she entered the room, the hospice nurse announced it was time for the family to step in to say our goodbyes. I allowed my mother and...

Stephanie Daich
Dec 17, 20234 min read
The scream of death stops me in the middle of the hall as the eerie voice crawls into my ears and erases my joy. A nurse who had been...

Stephanie Daich
Nov 18, 20232 min read
ALWAYS COLD -Flash Fiction
That’s the thing about this hamlet; it always snows. If I could go back three generations, I would beat up my great-grandpa. Does that...

Stephanie Daich
Oct 24, 20234 min read
THROUGH THE TUBES -Flash Fiction by guest author Miriam Sagan
The swift and most efficient means of communication in the Blue City was the pneumatic tubes. Of course, you could always pay a market...

Stephanie Daich
Oct 9, 20234 min read
BLUE CITY -Flash Fiction by guest author Miriam Sagan
This city is mine. I do not dream about it, nor do I see it in the daylight. It is hypnogogic, rising up brick by adobe brick as I close...

Stephanie Daich
Jul 26, 20232 min read
HIDING AMELIA -Flash Fiction
I bring her on the rig to hide her. Legally, she’s mine, but I don’t know if they can take her from me. Amelia’s hair traps the smell of...

Stephanie Daich
May 23, 20234 min read
"If you had told me about the pain, I never would have signed up. Why did you hold that from me? Yes, I know I bought a fantasy, but I...

Stephanie Daich
Mar 22, 20234 min read
TRICKED- Flash fiction
Of course, I look stunning. I don't care what any y'all think—you hyper woman with your smooth skin and youth. You are like a Styrofoam...

Stephanie Daich
Mar 21, 20233 min read
WAITING- Flash fiction by guest author Anna Mirfin
(6yrs old 1980) She has been sitting by the backdoor for most of the day, moving only to peer around the side of the house to see the...

Stephanie Daich
Mar 4, 20233 min read
Marshall Levy almost ended my career and made me question my humanity. Levy, a juvenile thug, knew how to play the system. He bounced in...

Stephanie Daich
Feb 6, 20231 min read
SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION- Flash fiction-unconventional form
-A silly flash fiction I did many years ago. I cannot edit it, but I thought sharing it in its raw form would be fun....

Stephanie Daich
Dec 15, 20221 min read
A PERFECT BABY -Flash Fiction by guest author- Christopher T. Dabrowski
Our son's name is Andy. He is 1½ years old and doesn't need nappies. He doesn't cry at night – well, unless we want him to. He doesn't...

Stephanie Daich
Nov 30, 20223 min read
It began that usual way, with his face plastered in makeup. Heavy foundation caked on his chin to cover his five-o-clock shadow. Madame...
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