Youth is like the wind,
It’s an impetuous torment
that inculcates in the mind
many perplexity
and the impatience
that is inside his essence,
takes you to a state of unconsciousness,
you can’t think,
you’re anxious to find the destination
that doesn’t exist,
our youth it’s an hard step to take,
makes you gasp for the future,
makes you yearn for true love
and you will not be able to erase
the indelible sign of his passing.
only into full maturity
we’ll look back to it
and when youth you’ll vanish
with the passing of time,
only the memory will remind
the nostalgic days
of the best age of your life.
Copyright ©Iolanda Leotta

by Iolanda Leotta
BIO- IOLANDA LEOTTA, poetess and storyteller, was born in Italy. She holds a degree in Sciences of Linguistic Mediation. She’s been awarded in many literary competitions. She published two books: “Indagine sulla vita: luci e ombre/Investigation of life: lights and shadows” bilingual, and “L’esploratrice dei sentimenti e dei valori umani” Italian version, available on Amazon.