Dear young lady
on the nearest bench to me –
I’m not responsible
for the body of the young woman
discovered this morning by a jogger
not a breadcrumb’s throw
from where we sit.
Totally eviscerated, so I heard,
but hardly a topic of conversation
of a beautiful day in the park
such as this.
You hide your fear
behind that iPad.
I conceal my innocence
in the pages of a book.
But then you shudder,
almost drop that iPad
when someone emerges from
the brush.
It’s just a cop investigating
the horrible crime.
But don’t think any less of yourself.
I shudder also.
I’m sure we both agree
that the slaughter of an innocent
in such a brutal way
and in a public place,
means no one is safe,
especially you.
And I’m not safe
from you suspecting all men.
As it should be.

Young Lady on a Park Bench
by John Grey
Bio-John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident, recently published in Stand, Washington Square Review and Rathalla Review. Grey's latest books: Covert, Memory Outside the Head, and Guest Of Myself are available through Amazon. Grey's upcoming work found in: The McNeese Review, Santa Fe Literary Review, and Open Ceilings.