It was here I first held his hand.
The picnic spread across the grass,
Amidst the poppies and wildflowers.
The breeze cooled our skin
From the heat of the sun.
A butterfly landed on my arm, almost as if he had planned it.
The power in his eyes called me in.
I am here. See me.
I drank and ate while small chatter I made,
But there was only one thing I wanted.
To know he felt the same spark from me.
He gave me life.
Everything about him is perfect,
even his blemishes.
He completes me.
I can only hope I do the same for him.
You’ve taken over me.
Burning passion
Wash over me!
Close the mind! Dull the senses!
Let be what will be.
Fire in the soul.
Control me.
Heated moment! Romance building!
Our moment to be free.
Amazing passion.
Ignited in me.
by Stephanie Daich