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THIS PRESENT TENSE -Poetry by guest author Rp Verlaine

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

The skies a colder blue

a painting unfit for further

details to a mind


to accept facts

of a divorce.

It's over.

It is

sometimes I

imagine I see her

talking to another

in these crossword puzzle

streets vertical blind

alleys even its horizontal

structures mock.

She moves in

dream state slow

vanishing when I get close

for her to notice

whiskey breath

in redacted black corners

of streets with her name...

I shiver in my coat

not from cold

when he touches her

until I close my eyes

decrying this madness

and turn back

when skies darken

like everything else.

I pass 2 or 3 bars...

I'm no longer

allowed in.

Make way home

to evade the inevitable


while needing

a more present tense

but ah, all

there is

as always

since she left

is what's missing.


This Present Tense

by Rp Verlaine

Rp Verlaine lives in New York City.

He has an MFA in creative writing from City College.

He taught in New York Public Schools for many years.

His first volume of poetry- Damaged by Dames

& Drinking was published in 2017, and another – Femme Fatales

Movie Starlets & Rockers in 2018. A set of three e-books

titled Lies From The Autobiography vol 1-3 were published from

2018 to 2020. His newest book, Imagined Indecencies,

was published in February 2022. He was nominated for a

Pushcart prize in poetry in 2021 and 2022.

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