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Writer's picture: Stephanie DaichStephanie Daich

I first noticed him

from afar.

He was the tattered

man at the bar.

His hair looked greasy,

his clothes so torn,

his face drawn out

in hideous scorn.

He had five teeth.

His smile sly.

His skin paper-thin,

and very dry.

What is his story?

I asked my friend.

He looks like he’s

come to his end.

My friend cautiously said,

the man’s name is Jim.

He’s plagued with AIDS,

best stay away from him.

I did what I could

to steer clear of Jim.

I avoided his gaze, for

I feared talking to him.

But one day, that sick Jim

offered to buy me a drink.

He slithered his arm over me

and casually gave me a wink.

Jim omitted a smell

that was powerfully rotten.

He smelled like something

life and time had forgotten.

Jim said to me,

you are a lovely sight.

Come home with me

and spend the night.

I couldn’t believe

he would even try.

The likes of him

with me to lie!

For starters, I wailed,

you’re sick with a disease.

You’re grungy, dirty,

and act like a sleaze.

For your information,

I am very high class.

I wouldn’t even share

with you a simple glass.

You’re disgusting,

You’re gross, to put it quite frank,

you’re putrid, you’re awful,

you’re downright rank.

I’d never drop down

to the likes of you.

It is something that

I would never do.

I keep my virtue

under lock and key.

I am not that loose,

and I am not easy.

I walked away quickly

with my head held high.

I hoped Jim would vanish

or just up and die.

Unfortunately, Jim

always hung around,

quietly watching me

without much sound.

He seemed to be waiting

for what I didn’t know.

Oh, how I wished

that he would vanish or go.

I tried hard to ignore him,

mingled, and made new friends.

I drank, and I partied.

I followed all the current trends.

Then one great day,

to my absolute delight.

I saw my dreamboat

what a gorgeous sight.

I did all that I could

to snare the handsome glance,

of this sexy new man

with the name of Lance.

He wined me and dined me.

He played his cards right.

I went home with him

late that magical night.

My life continued

just like it had before.

But slowly, oh slowly,

the thief appeared at my door.

Things started changing.

I didn’t feel great.

I felt sick more often,

in a horrible state.

This pattern continued

for several more years,

until I came face to face

with my greatest of fears.

HIV is what they said.

It is thick in your system.

There are so many in you

it’s hard not to miss them.

My world crashed hard.

Is my life done?

Was this my punishment

to my sexual fun?

Things just got worse,

a new sickness each day.

My body was dying,

my life fading away.

One day at my lowest,

to the clinic I went.

All my money

on this disease I had spent.

I was sitting and waiting

when he walked through the door.

It was Jim from the bar.

He looked worse than before.

Jim strode over to me

with a glimmer in his eye.

I didn’t want him to see me.

I wished to hide my face and cry.

He said, I always knew

I’d finally be with you.

Not a chance, I said

That will never be true.

The way he looked at me

made my blood run chill,

Through his toothless grin

he said, her name was Jill.

She was a sweet thing,

so tender and fine.

I gave HIV to her,

right in her prime.

She became infected.

She became just like me.

She promptly spread it

to as many as three.

Lance was just one

of those unfortunate three.

His body became indirectly

infected by me.

You and I are

one and the same.

We both played

the deadly game.

Somehow you must have thought

you were above the disease.

You thought you were better

than this dirty old sleaze.

You thought you were virtuous.

You made it your armor.

When you got HIV

it must have been an alarmer.

You should have known

AIDS can infect us all.

-Doesn’t matter if you’re white,

black, brown, short, or tall

Your clothes could be high class

or shabby like mine.

Roll with the big dogs,

or druggies to dine.

You thought by avoiding me,

you could be safe and clear.

If you didn’t even say hi,

you’d have nothing to fear.

But HIV is a secret

thief of the night.

It dampens the spirit

and burns out the light.

AIDs is a nightmare,

and it doesn’t care.

The people it takes,

it doesn’t seem fair.

AIDs break apart

many families.

There’s no mercy

with its causalities.

So don’t you ever put

yourself high above me.

If you thought you couldn’t get AIDs

You lived in a fantasy.

For what is given to one

is spread like a fire.

All for the high-cost of

fulfilling a desire.

Nothing you can do now.

The moment has passed.

The disease will be with you.

Your lot is now cast.

I looked right at Jim.

How foolish I’d been.

He was right. I’d caught the disease

indirectly from him.

Oh, if only I could

do it all over again.

I would stay away

from casually lying with men.

I’d keep myself clean.

I wouldn’t get around.

No AIDS in me

would ever be found.

But sadly, I’m here,

at my life’s end.

Sick, dying, lonely,

and without a friend.

My message to all,

whoever you may be.

Stay away from unprotected sex

Or IV drug activity.

These AIDs can infect you.

Your dreams, it does seize.

Everything changes,

As you are shackled to the disease.


The Deadly Cost of Desire

by Stephanie Daich

Phoenix Z Publishing

phoenixzpublishing (@) gmail. (com)

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