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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Daich


Do you conform in the pressure of the crowd?

Knowledge and truth discarded by the side;

Rage, rage against the head bowed.

How do the educated follow like sheep,

Relinquishing freedom without thought?

Do not sell your soul for that which is cheap.

Good men, the last wave, must stand and unite,

Educating others, the key.

Rage, rage against the distinguishing of light.

The authoritarian will never stop trying to take,

Their promises never fruition,

Do not succumb, do not break.

Grave citizens, tired citizens, unite and energize.

If you do not fight, then who will?

Rage, rage against the lies.

Strong citizen, take a stand, or freedom dies.

If you do not fight, then who will?

Rage, rage against the lies.


Strong Citizen Take a Stand

by Stephanie Daich

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