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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Daich


How can I be here?

Standing alone against the wall,

Waiting for someone to notice?

I had it all.

I had a companion.

I had dreams.

Now, I am alone.

Standing against the wall.

I think my hairstyle is old-fashioned.

No one wears shoes like this anymore.

Trends have changed and left me in the dust.

I didn’t know I would be here.

Standing alone against the wall.

My face no longer has the youthful glow.

I no longer remember how to flirt.

I was comfortable in my life.

I can’t start again.

I don’t want to be here,

Standing alone against the wall.

What if no one finds me interesting again?

What if I don’t know how to fit in?

I don’t even know how to say hi.

I don’t want this.

I should go home and hide.

But I am so lonely.

So I will wait for someone to see me,

To notice me, to care.

I will wait,

Standing alone against the wall.


Standing Alone Against the Wall

by Stephanie Daich

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