I thought your silence
through the long
winter months
was your way
of further measuring
a distance you had
decided was safe
enough with
new alterations.
So I hide
lost in new imaginings
of all that wasn't
between us.
While divided lines
wept new fissure
I, the stranger
providing company
of an invited ghost..
With random
circles of thought
squared to speculation.
Clues asked me
to forget everything
amnesia allows.
Except your perfume
on languid nights
still in the air
where my regrets
profound in their

Speculation For Rose
by Rp Verlaine
Rp Verlaine lives in New York City.
He has an MFA in creative writing from City College.
He taught in New York Public Schools for many years.
His first volume of poetry- Damaged by Dames
& Drinking was published in 2017, and another – Femme Fatales
Movie Starlets & Rockers in 2018. A set of three e-books
titled Lies From The Autobiography vol 1-3 were published from
2018 to 2020. His newest book, Imagined Indecencies,
was published in February 2022. He was nominated for a
Pushcart prize in poetry in 2021 and 2022.