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SPACE-TACULAR HER -by guest author Naba Mujtaba

Space-tacular her

A prestigious lady with efficacious skills, Analyst and an innovative masterstroke Counted as a renowned scientist Let her name be “acrostically” disclosed.

Holdeth passion for the space and universe, Likin’ the glorious view of skies amidst the night Embracin’ astronomy and overhauled spaceflight, Dreams and goals whither widely disperse Neither adversity nor misery letteth her intent inverse She forced for asylum during the country's strife Under fair blue sky, she spends her cold dismal night Despite hardships and situations adverse, She determinately becomes a rocket engineer And served as a role model for all the girls Operating in the launch services program, pursued her career An astronaut in NASA and a legend of the world

Hint: From the quoted lines assemble the first letter from the first line, from the second line select the second letter and go on in the same pattern till the name unfurls. The poetry follows the Italian sonnet (consists of octave rhyming ABBAABBA and sestet rhyming CDCDCD) to praise the Pakistani woman for her persistent effort and paramount outcome that becomes a source of inspiration for all girls across the globe, signifying a bright future of a country.

The name hidden in poetry is "Hibah Rahmani"


Space-tacular her

by Naba Mujtaba

BIO- Naba Mujtaba is a pharma professional and a literary enthusiast by passion. The tints of oriental, romantic, fiction, and contemporary are evident in her writings. Taking off as a creative writer in religious tones to different genres has led her to choose a distinct way of writing poetry acrostically. It is a unique and puzzling form of actionable writing which hides a keyword at the epicenter of the idea. She contributed her works to various magazines and periodicals of the close-knit writer community. She also penned down a collection of her magical poetries, which received appreciation from the community and the readers.

Her works include:

“Ages of Feeble” in The Chronicle of Memories

“The Color of Love” in Literary Chowk Magazine

“Sleep Paralysis” on the official website of a literary agency, "Pecha-Entwined" in Basant

"Who Am I?" in Literary Chowk Magazine 2023

"Organs are HOPE, an Overview of Organ Donation Ecosystem" in Farmacia Magazine

Dramatic Reverie

"Is she me?" in Mirror and Love

Follow her on Facebook and Instagram @naba_narrates.

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