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SEPIA STORMS -Poetry by guest author Mahvash Mohtadullah

I hear the leaves rustle in the breeze

The gust picks up slowly, gradually

I hear the rattle of a window

The one that lies loosely in its frame

Like a watchful sentry

Announcing the entry

Of a wayward breeze

That rolls in through its screen

To knock upon the door

At the end of the corridor

I walk out of my bedroom into the lounge

The sentinel window

Is now trembling, recoiling,

Rattling its pane

Warning of rain

That will soon moisten

Its face; gushing

Rushing, tearing

The dust off old memories

Renewing the pain

I see the first flash of lightning and then

The thunder breaks

The storm has arrived

I look at it through the window

Now lying quietly in its frame

Soon, the glisten of its pane

Swells into a stream flowing

Down silently as I sit quietly

With the sweet ache

Of old memories again.



by Mahvash Mohtadullah


Mahvash was once a part of the Financial Services Industry. Now she writes. When she’s not writing, she’s fussing in her head over ideologies of social justice and equality, with superhero twists! Mahvash’s stories and poems have appeared in The Rumen, Sequoia Speaks, Recesses, Every Day Fiction, and DoubleSpeak magazines. Her poem, “Veins” was long listed in the Plough 2023 poetry competition. She has published a book of short stories and three books in a children’s series.

Follow Mahvash Mohtadullah at:

Instagram: @mahvash_mohtadullah

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