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Scattered -Poetry by Januário Esteves

I run away from myself, and I can't reach

The other part of myself

Surrendered, confused, restless

I don't grab the crazy extreme

On the run, I spell myself, lost

Releasing vacancies by precept

That I don't grab trembling

The feathers that are chest pains

And come billowing gales

That convert me traveled

In the wandering spasms

Of my being forgotten.



by Januário Esteves


Januário Esteves was born in Coruche and was raised near Costa da Caparica, Portugal. He graduated in electromechanical installations, uses the pseudonym Januanto, and has written poetry since he was very young. In 1987, he published poems in the Jornal de Letras and participated in some collective publications over the years.

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