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RIDING A UNICORN -Poetry by guest author Petrouchka Alexieva

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

I am riding my crispy-white unicorn

With sparkling star on his horn.

Where I am going?

Silver moonlight from above

Is painting a path

Among blossoming meadows

Of my dreams and desires.

I am riding my unicorn

Through the mist;

Barefooted, with veil on my hips,

Softly wearing my morning tiara,

Cleansing gently my soul

In the whispering creek.

Where am I going?

I am riding

Towards the morning.

Don’t wake me up, please…


Riding a Unicorn

by Petrouchka Alexieva

Petrouchka Alexieva is an anthropologist with emphases in Ethnomusicology and Balkan culture, music and its Diaspora. She was born Bulgarian, but has lived in USA for more than 25 yrs.

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