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RHINOCEROS for Sudan - poetry by guest author Kenneth Hickey

Updated: Jun 18, 2023

I am the last rhinoceros

Ceratotherium simum cottoni

Solitude seems to oppress me

Proud horn too tempting for

poachers soon to be eaten

by lions

The stones so blue so calm alas alas on on the skull the skull

Cut the phallic trophy away

It would make my pockets bulge

Carcass left in the midday sun

Vultures circling overhead

Eager for carrion red

This is the end beautiful friend

Only two females remain

The species finally extinct

For no baby rhinos can be born

Only death awaits

Carpa Dium



For Sudan

by Kenneth Hickey

Bio- Kenneth Hickey was born in 1975 in Cobh, Co. Cork Ireland. He served in the Irish Naval Service between 1993 and 2000. His poetry and prose have been published in various literary journals in Ireland, the UK and the United States, including Southword, Crannoig, THE SHOP, A New Ulster, Aesthetica Magazine, and The Great American Poetry Show. His writing for theatre has been performed in Ireland, the UK, New York, and Paris. He has won the Eamon Keane Full Length Play Award and has been shortlisted for The PJ O’Connor Award and the Tony Doyle Bursary. He was shortlisted for the Bournmouth Poetry Prize in 2022. He has been selected for the Poetry in the Park project and awarded a poetry mentorship by Munster Literature Centre. His work in film has been screened at the Cork and Foyle Film Festivals. He holds a BA and MA in English Literature, both from University College Cork. His debut collection, ‘The Unicycle Paradox’ was published by Revival Press in November 2021. He still resides in Cork.

Follow Kenneth at:

Twitter: @hickeyken Instagram: @kjh_poetry

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