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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Daich


While through the high school halls, I stroll, awakened, ghosts touch my soul.

Where were my friends from the past? What happened to those times before?

As I recall, nearly dreaming, recollections flood in, powerfully streaming.

In my mind, recalling, enthralling times behind the classroom door-

"Tis only a memory," I mutter, "school was such a chore-

Only a memory and nothing more."

Then my anger flared, thinking, those bullies made me scared.

Here is where my test was given, studying hard for the score.

Thinking of teachers, my muscles tightened, hours of lectures, my mind enlightened.

In my past, I tried climbing, climbing up the social ranks-

"Tis only a memory," I mutter, "trying to climb the ranks-

Only a memory and nothing more."

When in my eyes swells the tears, reminiscing my teenage years.

These halls knew joy and pain -so many emotions kept in store.

Leaving the school, I’m bawling. Years of memories return calling.

In my car, as I am driving, driving lost in my head-

"Tis only a memory," I mutter, "repeating in my head-

Only a memory and nothing more."


Only a Memory and Nothing More

by Stephanie Daich

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