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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Daich


Oh, the youth, out me has fled,

Leaving me almost dead.

My mind numbs, my joints harden,

I can hardly hear you, begging my pardon.

I used to run, jump and play,

Now all I do is sit and lay.

The energy from me is zapped,

And all I did today was napped.

Oh, the youth, out me has fled,

Leaving me almost dead.

My skin was smooth and soft as silk,

Now it looks like curdled milk.

I used to run at the head,

Now I get winded climbing out of bed.

I spent countless hours playing on the floor,

Now I can hardly walk to the door.

Oh, the youth, out me has fled,

Leaving me almost dead.


My Youth Has Fled

by Stephanie Daich

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