I’ve been duped for too long, pitiful
Stories, nothing but falsehoods
And deception,
Deceptions that carried me to the darkest recess of the mind.
Before I lost my way, I lived.
Now, my mind unwinds like a cheaply sown garment,
Unraveling stitch by stitch,
Left with dangling strings for anyone to pull apart.
How did I get here?
Once I soared on the waves of life,
With no storm large enough to tip me,
Yet now a breeze pulls me under
And I drown, the current tossing me around,
carrying me to the bottom
I used to know how to navigate life,
but I gave the reigns to the imposter in my head.
He knows my every weakness, and he uses it against me.
Who let him in?
I did.
My Will Falls Like the Rain
by Stephanie Daich