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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Daich

LONG FORGOTTEN SUMMER -Poetry by guest author Enno de Witt


This edge of dune and sand, the sea

long ago the realm of mammoths now

home to jellyfish when an easterly wind

blows, hours before anyone left the beach

and went home we were already entrenched

in a windowless bathroom, heat and silence

our allies, virgins we were, untouched by poetry.


Long-forgotten summer

by Enno de Witt

Enno de Witt’s poetry is firmly rooted in a tradition that goes all the way back to the dawn of language and to his youth on the Dutch North Sea coast. De Witt lives in the medieval city of Deventer on the banks of the river IJssel in The Netherlands. His poetry is published in The Netherlands, the USA and the UK.

Phoenix Z Publishing

phoenixzpublishing (@) gmail. (com)

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