They stole from us our freedom
-In the name of a pandemic
They lock us in our homes
-In the name of a pandemic
They limit the number of people in stores
-In the name of a pandemic
They obliterated millions of people's livelihoods
-In the name of a pandemic
Gyms closed
-In the name of a pandemic
Trails fenced
-In the name of a pandemic
Playgrounds barricaded
-In the name of a pandemic
Borders shut
-In the name of a pandemic
Unemployment increased
-In the name of a pandemic
Liberties altered, changed, robbed
-In the name of a pandemic
They ration what we can buy
-In the name of a pandemic
They restrain our medical options
-In the name of a pandemic
They cripple our economy
-In the name of a pandemic
Families burdened
-In the name of a pandemic
Debt incurred
-In the name of a pandemic
They sealed schools
-In the name of a pandemic
They destroyed lives
-In the name of a pandemic
They shattered dreams
-In the name of a pandemic
Weddings called-off
-In the name of a pandemic
Funerals denied
-In the name of a pandemic
Churches shut down
-In the name of a pandemic
Missions aborted
-In the name of a pandemic
Graduation ceremonies halted
-In the name of a pandemic
Travel restricted
-In the name of a pandemic
Media frenzy
-In the name of a pandemic
False information
-In the name of a pandemic
Social norms dismantled
-In the name of a pandemic
Restrictive laws
-In the name of a pandemic
Relationships stalled
-In the name of a pandemic
Nations weakened
-In the name of a pandemic
Establishments barred
-In the name of a pandemic
Gatherings ended
-In the name of a pandemic
Progress deadlocked
-In the name of a pandemic
Sports canceled
-In the name of a pandemic
Teams dissolved
-In the name of a pandemic
Panic instilled
-In the name of a pandemic
Government control increased
-In the name of a pandemic
First Amendment rights suspended
-In the name of a pandemic
...and we let them
-In the name of a pandemic
In the Name of a PAndemic
by Stephanie Daich