when the time comes for me to die
I’m just going to say, no thank you
and go on living
I don’t want to die
so I don’t think I should
sure this goes against all reason and science
but I don’t really feel like dying
I enjoy baseball
and I’d hate to miss a Phillies game
I also like pizza
I’m deathly afraid of dying
so I figure why bother
the way I look at it is
why do something I don’t want to do?
it seems like a big hassle
what with your life ending and all
so I just don’t think I’m gonna do it

I've Decided I'm Not Going to Ever Die
By Dan Flore III
Bio- Dan Flore III’s writings have appeared in many publications. His six poetry books are Lapping Water, Humbled Wise Men Christmas Haikus, Home and Other Places I’ve Yet to See, Pink Marigold Rays (Gen Z Publishing), Written in the Dust on the Ceiling Fan (Dead Man’s Press Ink.), and Hospital Issued Writing Notebook (Querencia Press).