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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Daich

I ROSE THROUGH THE HEAP -Poetry by guest author Kimberly Green

Head bent

Heart on my sleeve

The Nazis tried to steal  my life from me


Tossed in a ditch

Shot Left to die

Afraid to move afraid to flinch


Slowly ever so quietly I rose

Thru the heap of dead

I wanted to live - not find my body froze


I took my neighbors clothes

Corpse after corpse

In fear of being bulldozed


I had no idea where I was

Only that I had been shot

Only scraped- only a little blood


For days I laid among the dead

Warmed by bodies

Whom felt like lead


I clawed my way to the top

Survival was instinct

I had to live I couldn’t stop


The others lay as they were

Frozen by the ice

Not able to move not able to stir


Freeing myself from the dead- rising from the earth

Am I not human-although I am Jewish

Do I not have worth?


I think back to all those years ago

Those memories still are vivid

They are fresh never old


Yes the Nazis tried to steal my life

I survived the impossible

It is now that I can finally cry


***Never forget the Holocaust and the millions upon millions of human beings that were murdered by the Nazi war machine ***


I Rose Through the Heap

by guest author Kimberly Green


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