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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Daich

HE MUST -by guest author Dixie Cragun

For when answers can't be given

at the moment of our plea

He frames our lives with love notes,

written by His almighty hand.

Hidden among the sorrows,

He touches our lives where He can,

leaving His love in unrelated places-

a comforting thought,

a moment of protection,

a quiet voice that whispers peace,

an answer to another question,

a stir of joy within the heart.

Patiently, He guides us,

experiencing our hurt,

knowing our pain,

giving us everything possible,

without taking away our growth.

No, He is never silent.

We are the ones,

who must quiet anguished cries,

long enough

to read His letters.

____________________________________________________________________He Must

by Dixie Cragun

Dixie Cragun is a retired elementary teacher who has never stopped teaching. She volunteers to teach the art of story writing and telling. She devotes her time to her passion for family history and helping others search for their family stories.. She also enjoys painting, crafting, cardmaking, and playing music. Dixie has intertwined nature into her soul, which shows in most of her work.

Phoenix Z Publishing

phoenixzpublishing (@) gmail. (com)

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