He forewarned me
about the eccentric landlord
who, for unspecified reasons
had permanently locked the front door
leaving a cantankerous sash window
to be the only way in or out.
A new experience, indeed!
Later, he made toast
and asked me if I liked marmite.
I’d never heard of marmite
and so I misheard ‘marmalade’.
He asked me if I liked it
spread thick or thin.
Of course I said thick.
A new experience, for sure!
Later we three went to the Grand Hotel
for afternoon tea.
It was very grand
with waiters dressed up
like penguins.
Very strange
but there’s a first time for everything!
And a last.

First Time
by Lynn White
Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her work is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She was shortlisted in the Theatre Cloud 'War Poetry for Today' competition and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net and a Rhysling Award.
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