Most people think my job is to keep him from killing himself. And true to that, I have. Tyrone lived more recklessly than any client I have ever served before. Did that boy have one cell in his brain with a sense of danger?
But my concern runs more extensive than keeping him alive. It is more profound. I care about the whole Tyrone, not just the live-Tyrone. When you spend 24/7 with a soul from birth, you can’t help feeling that way. I only know of one guardian angel that hated his ward, but could you blame him? I have never had to watch over a murderous world leader like that guardian angel had to.
Tyrone is a good kid, even though he exhausts everyone around him. His vitality equals the nuclear power it would take to run a small town. Guardian angels are spiritually designed not to tire, and shamefully, at times, I have. But I wouldn’t change that bundle of vibrancy for the alternative.
Tyrone’s energy is what makes him Tyrone. He uses it in everything. When he talks with others, his dynamic personality instantly lifts the spirits of those around him. He brings joy and sunshine to a room. I love watching him transform any situation he is in. When Tyrone enters, everyone notices him. He never gets lost in the shadows. That is the unadulterated-Tyrone, not the zombie-Tyrone.
Tyrone has so much fun in life, like when he creates imaginative games and activities. He is brilliant despite not taking the time to use it. He has brought me the most fun I have ever had in this job.
His mother, June, always lives in high strong mode but is cautious. Her guardian angel has little work to do in keeping her safe. She lives a quiet life. Frankly, I would be bored to have her as my charge. Marty, her angel, watches me with envy. But anyway, back to June.
The only stress in June’s life is Tyrone. She wraps herself up so tightly over his hyperness that she misses the joy around her. If she noticed all the wonderful personality that comes from that boy, she could appreciate what an exceptional treat Tyrone is. It is from characters like Tyrone’s that most of our great military leaders have come from. But June only reacts to his high energy, and she spends her life trying to suppress it.
Sadly, one day, she succeeded in taming Tyrone. She took Tyrone to one of those quack-doctors, and he sent her home with gallons of pills. June shoves those pills in Tyrone all day. Handfuls of pills pushed into his gullet. And, yet quickly, Tyrone changed. The sparkle in his eye faded, dimmed, and then extinguished. His cleverness outwitted anyone he met. He genuinely knew how to be funny. But those drugs took that.
Tyrone goes through the motions of life but no longer enjoys it. It is as if a robot replaces him. Oh yeah, and his emotions are gone. When his favorite grandma died, Tyrone didn’t even cry. That is not Tyrone. Tyrone used to experience feelings deeply.
I mourn for the Tyrone I used to know. Even June’s angel, Marty, misses Tyrone.
As guardian angels, we have a certain level of influence on our charges. If we didn’t, everyone would be dead. We aren’t supposed to intervene unless it is over life-or-death situations. And well, I feel the loss of Tyrone’s personality as a death.
So, I started influencing Tyrone not to take his drugs. I compelled him to cheek his meds, then spit them out. June never caught on until Tyrone returned. The real-Tyrone, not the zombie she had created.
His eyes took on life again. His smile reappeared; before you knew it, he had energy again. Yes, my duties increased five-fold, but it was worth it, for my boy was alive again!
But helicopter-June eventually caught on that her son had returned, and she dragged him to the quack, where Tyrone admitted to cheeking the meds. After never-ending lectures from the medical community and June, Tyrone dutifully returned to taking his meds, and once again, I saw his life drain from him, leaving behind a shell with no soul.
It isn’t fair that June has the power to destroy Tyrone’s soul. I want to intervene. Us guardian angels are under supreme oath not to meddle with another human but to influence only our clients. Every time I watch June force those drugs into Tyrone, I want to do something to her. Marty would let me, he has indicated as much, but I never can bring myself to it.
If only well-intended parents knew the damage they cause to their children when they drug them. They might do it to make their parental life easier. But they do this at the cost of their kid!
I want to stop it.
I want to stop them.
I want to control June.
What do I do?
How do I save Tyrone?
Drugged into Submission
by Stephanie Daich