“I demand my inheritance now,”
The selfish child says with a scow.
“I cannot wait until you die,
For my account is bone-dry.”
“I need, I want, without the work,”
The child says with a smirk.
“Oh no, on no, you must wait,
Until I leave to the pearly gate.
My bank account is for me to live,
And at this time, I have nothing to give.”
“But, I demand your hard-earned dough,
For you to deny me is such a blow.
Give me my inheritance. I don’t care about you.
I’ll take your house. I’m not worried what you’ll do.”
Should the parent remove the selfish child from the will?
Should the selfish demands they fill?
Will they leave the child without a cent?
How dare the child demand the way the parent's money is spent.
Demanding Child
by Stephanie Daich