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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Daich

CROWS --by guest author Michael Lee Johnson


Tired of hunger tired

of emptiness

late February winter snow

crow claws locked in

on my condo balcony

steel railings.

Their desperate eyes

focus in on my green eye


their search begins,

I go to bed, no ruffled feathers showing

their imaginary dreams of green

black wings fly flapping

the hunt, scavengers, over barren fields

shadows in the way

now late August

summer sun

bright yellow

turning orange

hard corn.



By Michael Lee Johnson

Michael Lee Johnson lived ten years in Canada during the Vietnam era. Today he is a poet in the greater Chicagoland area, IL. He has 313 plus YouTube poetry videos. Michael Lee Johnson is an internationally published poet in 46 countries, a song lyricist, has several published poetry books, has been nominated for 7 Pushcart Prize awards, and 6 Best of the Net nominations. He is editor-in-chief of 3 poetry anthologies, all available on Amazon, and has several poetry books and chapbooks. He has over 653 published poems. Michael is the administrator of 6 Facebook Poetry groups. Member Illinois State Poetry Society:

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