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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Daich


Updated: Jun 23

From commitment hour, I am not true.

As others saw- I cannot do

As others- I cannot calm

My disappointments I cannot balm.

From the same upbringing, I do not hold.

My fulfillment-left untold

My satisfaction-left unchecked

To them, I’m a defect.

Then-in my life, new friends I meet.

My brokenness-they complete

My outcast-they include

My life; renewed.

To some groups, I am stained.

A relationship-strained

A loyalty-never formed

Always theatrics performed.

Yet out there are those who appreciate.

Caring for me- or my fate

Caring for me-they give me all

They invite, include, and call.

From this insight, I will no longer give.

My heart and time- to those who don’t forgive

My heart and time- to those who defame

And tarnish my name.

My time I’ll give to those who care.

Loving and kind- I’ll follow anywhere

Loving and kind- to them I’ll unite

Forming a friendship solid and tight.


Creating Boundaries

by Stephanie Daich

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