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Christmas Special- THE HOLIDAYS VS. SANTA CLAUS -by guest author Dixie Cragun

Santa Claus was summoned,

To spend a day in court.

The Holidays were suing him,

Their tempers were quite short.

They said Ol’ Claus had pushed and shoved,

Until it was quite clear,

That soon there would be Christmas,

Three hundred sixty-five days of the year.


Father Time officiated

Upon the judgment bar.

Children were the jury,

Gathered in from near and far.

Halloween and easter,

April Fool’s, St. Patrick’s Day,

And all the other holidays

Were there to speak their say.


(Halloween was the first to testify.)

“I walked into the 5 and 10,

To buy a spooky mask,

Some monster teeth, a bloody hand,

Oh, such a gruesome task.

When I bumped right into Santa Claus,

And shelves of Christmas things.

No Jack-O-Lanterns could be found.

He’d Kidnapped Halloween!”


(Then Thanksgiving testified.)

“I’m just a Thanksgiving Turkey.

And I’m getting kinda lean.

It’s awful hard to strut my tail,

When I’m nowhere to be seen.

Who heads the Macey’s big parade?

It’s Santa Claus, who would you think?

And I bring up the rear!”


So one-by-one the Holidays

Each had their rightful say;

How Christmas celebrations

Closed in upon their days.

Why, even Easter Bunny,

Was just a bit afraid,

He’d be delivering Christmas trees,

Instead of Easter Eggs.


Then Santa, with a cheerful grin,

Could hold his peace, no more.

Stood up before the judgment bench,

And asked to take the floor.

Then with a merry twinkle,

He eyed each Holiday.

A hearty laugh, a ho-ho-ho,

These kindly words did say.


“The things you speak, are very true.

Your great concern is good.

Christmas does come early,

Perhaps more than it should.

But when it’s time for Halloween,

The goons and ghosts will always scream.

There will be turkey on the table every year.

Easter eggs and valentines,

And fireworks you’ll ever find.

You’ll always have your special days,

Don’t fear.


“Cause though it seems like Christmas

Is squeezing in between.

It always has and always will

Because of what it means.


Love not just on Christmas Day,

But love that’s meant to give away,

Three hundred sixty-five days of the year!”


“We find Santa, innocent!”

The children gave a cry.

Father Time dismissed,

And left to wave the year goodbye.

The holidays were happy,

No longer would they fear.

They’d found the love of Christmas.

Three hundred sixty-five days of the year.

____________________________________________________________________The Holidays Vs. Santa Claus

by Dixie Cragun

Dixie Cragun is a retired elementary teacher who has never stopped teaching. She volunteers to teach the art of story writing and telling. She devotes her time to her passion for family history and helping others search for their family stories.. She also enjoys painting, crafting, cardmaking, and playing music. Dixie has intertwined nature into her soul, which shows in most of her work.

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